Mapscape enters into era of autonomous driving
Posted on Tuesday 11 November 2014, by Harald Hagenaars
With the signing of the charter for the Dutch Autonomous Vehicle Initiative (DAVI), Mapscape is entering into the era of self driving vehicles. Highly accurate maps are a pre-condition for autonomous vehicles, whereas sensor fusion map services are a stepping stone to achieve such HAD maps.
DAVI is an initiative to investigate, improve, and demonstrate automated driving on public roads. The involved partners are working on a number of topics:
- Assessing and improving the required technology
- Linking vehicle automation to traffic management
- Studying human behaviour with automation
- Proving the safety of such autonomous vehicles
- Pursuing legalisation
- Creating public awareseness
- Optimizing transport efficiency
DAVI pursues these objectives through complimentary research projects and demonstration activities with varying partnerships and national and international funding sources.
In 2015, new demonstrators in the context of the DAVI project are planned. Mapscape is preparing the required map ecosystem in close cooperation with e-horizon module providers.
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