Mobileye and NavInfo to Bring REM Localization to China

Posted on Monday 8 January 2018, by Harald Hagenaars

Collaboration intends to build and distribute Mobieye"s Road Experience Management (REM®) product in China

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 8, 2018 – Mobileye, an Intel company, the global leader in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving technologies, and NavInfo, the leading autonomous driving solution providers in China market with core businesses in HAD mapping and high accuracy positioning, today announced they have agreed to a collaboration intended to build and distribute Mobileye’s Road Experience Management (REM®) product in China.  Specifically, the partnership’s purpose is to use Mobileye’s REM technology to generate a RoadBook™ in China that is integrated and aligned with NavInfo’s mapping solutions.

Mobileye’s REM system is a cost-efficient solution to enable Autonomous Vehicles to localize themselves much more accurately than traditional approaches can support.  Low bandwidth, anonymized data packets from vehicles equipped with front-facing cameras are used to crowd-source a RoadBook of drivable paths, including road/lane boundaries and the stationary landmarks used as reference points.  This is a critical sensory input to automated vehicles all the way from Level 2+ systems to Level 5.  This innovative, low-cost solution to one of Autonomous Driving’s largest challenges (precision localization/mapping) has garnered significant interest from OEM’s and mapping companies worldwide, and through this arrangement will now be coming to China.

NavInfo’s skills and products are highly complementary to Mobileye in terms of productizing and distributing REM in China.  The RoadBook contains no navigational or geographic information, therefore it needs to be delivered as a layer within NavInfo’s map products.  NavInfo software and other technology can also support alignment of the rapidly updating RoadBook inside NavInfo’s standard map and Highly Automated Driving (HAD) map.  Distribution of this aligned product will enable future AV systems in China to gain the localization capabilities needed for real automation.

“Mobileye has a history of pursuing partnerships with innovative companies which we believe results in faster-to-market products that support the pillars of safety and economic scalability,” said Professor Amnon Shashua, CEO and CTO of Mobileye. “We are very pleased to announce our relationship with NavInfo as the latest example. NavInfo’s technology and market position make it a natural fit to assist in building RoadBook in China, and thereby accelerating the next steps of autonomous driving.”

NavInfo CEO Patrick Cheng said, “We are always excited about joining forces and uniting market leaders to fuel innovation and inspiration across the world. We truly believe with Mobileye’s vision and technology, together we can offer state-of-the-art solutions to connect our customers with best-in-class services and take autonomous driving industry into the next level.”

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